Wing-turbines are effective - even in small size. Any custom configuration can easily be assembled. Any number of turbine wings. Longer and shorter wings. Different sockets and different handles for easy handling and transportation. Wing turbines are particularly fish friendly.
Wing-Turbines have maximum torque. Power is directly proportional to the number of wings and the wing-length. The simple small and lightweight design allows to use wing-turbines almost anywhere in the world. Flowing water of any depth will work. Wing turbines are particularly environmental friendly.
Wing turbines may be assembled with winding wings. This configuration offers continous strong torque for any angle during a full 360 degree turn and it is environmental- and fish-friendly.
Wing-turbines may easily be configured as a powerplant generator drive. Maximum torque and maximum efficency will ensure maximum yield and it is environmental and fish-friendly.
Wing turbines may be used in flat and deep water (see Engeenering).
Wing-turbines may be even operated under a torrent.
Well designed from standard components. Ruggedized, simple and straight forward. Easy to maintain.
Less parts more effectiveness. More power with fewer components. Simple assembly and disassambly.
Configurable, adaptable, sizeable. Sustainable, environemental friendly and particularly fish friendly.
Simple. Powerful. No additonal equipment. No fuel. No fuel tank. No additional means of operation.
Power not limited to flat hydro flow. The design is applicable to any depth of moving water.
Generate power from flowing water where ever you find water streaming in nature.
Combine multible units and get combined thrust for more power.
Increase the energy yield remarkably. Put units in series and receive more energy.
The typical planform my easily be combined with floats.
Without the need for special components wing-turbines may sit on top of floats.
"Clean sustainable straight forward Energy, decentralized and regional"
We will be happy to advise you in all aspects.
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and we will be happy to send you a detailed offer.
Prices and delivery time depending on size.
Let us help you pick the right generator-power for you.
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